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Workshops & Speaking

 Accomplish more than you ever imagined in a short period of time.


Workshops that Get Stuff Done

You'll be shocked at how much we can get done in just a few days.  Jon brings 25+ years of experience planning and facilitating workshops for groups up to hundreds of participants from some of the most recognized brands in business.  Jon has also trained numerous facilitators who are now coaches in their own right. 

We can help facilitate your next workshop: 

  • 2024 Annual Planning
  • Individual Roadmapping
  • Strategic Planning
  • Company Roadmapping
  • Lean Canvas and Innovation Workshops
  • Company Offistes
  • Custom Workshops 


Speaking Engagements.. that Get Stuff Done

We've all got too much to do. Who has the time or attention span to sit and listen to a talking head for an hours? Our speaking engagements are structured to be engaging, interactive and help address (see workshop above) a relevant issue for your team.

Potential Topics:

  • 6 Mistakes that Will Break Your Business
  • Renegade Founder to Renegade Leader - 6 Shifts to Scale your Business Beyond Yourself
  • Is your Business Playing Mob Soccer? How to transition from Mob Ball to the Professional League
  • Breaking the Founder’s Ceiling: Transform your organization from Founder-Led to Senior-Leadership-Team Led
  • Is Your Organization Sick?  How to measure the health and scalability of your company
Close up image of laptop and human hands typing on keyboard

Book a Free Consultation

Interested in working together? We'de love to hear from you!